Saturday, 24 January 2009

The Refreshing, Post 1...


The world is different today, but then, in a way, so am I. Only two days ago I awoke as usual to my gibbering radio alarm, before filling up on imitation Crunchy Nut Cornflakes that aren’t so crunchy by the time I have forced them down where I’m never really that hungry in the morning but have always been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I put my (honestly) unacceptably creased uniform on for work (if they paid me more I might, might be more motivated to iron it), and went out for another day, just like every other.
Today however, I, like every other person on this planet, woke up knowing that, in a short while, I will be dead.
They say dead is not entirely accurate, that we will still technically be alive, just…altered. Some of us will most likely become plants or animals, still living things, while there is a chance others will become (and some of the more spiritual ravings have been trying to convince us that this is literally the case) God only knows what. All anyone seems sure of, and that is sure in the loosest sense, is that everything in the world is being replaced, or in the words of the damage limitation/propaganda messages being broadcast, everything is being “Refreshed”.
We all (except the gullible and too young or old to understand) know the truth. All we don’t know is why this is happening and how it will end.

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